The Reeded Edge Heads to Vienna, VA for the Resurrected Vienna Quarterly Coin Show


We have been patiently waiting for this day, and this weekend, it is upon us. The Vienna, VA Community Center has completed its multi-year renovation, and the longstanding Vienna Quarterly Coin and Stamp Show is ready to resume its regular schedule. As many of you are aware, this was for many years one of the premier boutique coin shows in the country, capitalizing on a 50 year tradition in conjunction with one of the demographically best locations possible. Vienna, VA is right in the heart of affluent Fairfax County, and an area with plenty of money, and more importantly, plenty of collectors. Much of the success of the quintessential Baltimore Coin Show is based upon the multitudes of collectors and dealers emanating from in and around this area. The Reeded Edge has secured one of the premier tables at this all important show, located along the right wall at the front entrance. Our famous BUYING, BUYING, BUYING sign will be prominently displayed behind our three table booth. In other words, we will be hard to miss! Both Rob and Robbie will be manning the tables. They will have their usual extensive inventory of certified U.S. coins with new office purchases and PCGS grading returns included. The Reeded Edge remains committed to buying fresh coins, and few dealers are more aggressive in this area than the guys. Rob and Robbie’s open checkbook policy will be in full force, so please stop by and offer them anything worthwhile that you are considering selling. Their on-hand inventory is both diverse and addresses all price points, so please give them an opportunity to service your collector want list, as well. With a beautiful weather forecast for the upcoming weekend, we can think of no better place to spend it than the D.C. metropolitan area. Hopefully, that will be in your plans, as we would love you to join us at this active coin show.