ReededEdge – The Reeded Edge, Inc The Internet's Premier Coin Dealer Thu, 28 May 2020 13:32:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Summer FUN Cancelled – All Eyes Look to The ANA’s World’s Fair of Money Thu, 28 May 2020 13:27:02 +0000 We really do feel like we are on the cusp of new horizons. But in the same breath, we are all waiting for that ice breaker. Last week at this time, we were betting on Summer FUN. Cindy Wibker, the FUN bourse chair, expressed confidence that the event was a go. Rob and Robbie went so far as to purchase airfare and hotel. Regrettably, that same afternoon they were forced to cancel both, as Summer FUN became yet another casualty of COVID19. We are done prognosticating, but remain hopeful that the Pittsburgh summer ANA will happen. As with FUN, the guys have their lodging booked and preliminary show preparations in place. Like everybody else in the numismatic arena, we will now wait and see. We stand by our assessment that the coin dealer community is itching for a show, and the first venue out of the gate, will be a barn burner. Will that be ANA? We certainly hope so.

Our quest for fresh coins continues. If you have any higher value numismatic material that has been off of the market for a considerable time, and you are considering selling, please contact us for our aggressive offer! The Reeded Edge will pay VERY STRONG PRICES for the right coins. Our customers need new coins as the want lists come in almost daily. Business also remains brisk, putting additional pressure on replenishing inventory. Honestly, we wouldn’t have thought that buying coins in the midst of a global pandemic would have been a problem.

Finally, we want to thank each and every one of you reading this for your loyalty, support and business. This could have been a catastrophic time for us, but instead, we are as busy as ever. Observing many other people’s present situation, it is quite evident that we are VERY lucky, a fact that we never lose sight of. Thank you once again; we couldn’t do this without you. Happy collecting and stay safe!

Dealers Anxious to Resume Coin Shows – Shops Begin to Reopen Wed, 20 May 2020 12:46:38 +0000 As the old saying goes, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Within the last week, many states have restarted their stalled economies, lifting stay at home orders and reopening businesses. In our estimation, this day is long overdue. We were one of the fortunate businesses that was able to remain open. We are thrilled to see many of trading partners returning to work, as well. Now, all eyes are turning to coin shows. Since these are public venues involving assemblages of people in a confined space, coin shows will pose some logistical challenges. We have confidence that promoters will carefully consider public safety factors as they begin to roll out their dates. We also believe that the first coin shows to break the ice will be barn burners. Coin dealers are not an idle group. Throughout this extended hiatus, there has been a lot of anticipation building. The coin market has continued to function, and with all things considered , at a very high level. But, there is still that missing element, and the hobby will not be 100% whole until the return of coin shows. From conversing with other dealers and collectors almost daily, most of us seem ready to return to our familiar routines.  The metaphor that comes to mind is a runner in the blocks waiting for the starting gun to sound. Sadly, we have been in the blocks for what seems like an eternity.

Precious metals continue to rally. This has added a component to an already active marketplace. Even those of us that service the numismatic sector have been part of this activity. We have seen a proportional number of buyers and sellers. Profits are being taken on one side and being invested in the other, and vice versa. Needless to say, with this scenario, nobody is complaining!

We hope all of of you have remained safe and healthy. Fortunately, we don’t personally know anyone who has contracted the virus, indicative that we are at least keeping our numbers in check. Be cautious as you begin to move forward and use common sense in your daily approach, but move forward we must. Happy collecting, and we look forward to seeing each of you again in-person. Hopefully, that day will be in the very near future!

Coin Shops and Shows Look Towards Reopening Wed, 13 May 2020 15:29:40 +0000 What started as a health crisis has evolved into something far greater. At risk, is our country’s economy. Fortunately the states (especially those less affected by the pandemic) seem to realize the true impending disaster, as they have begun reopening for business. This is an encouraging sign for the coin business. We now can envision a day where shops and shows reopen, perhaps some as soon as June. The assemblage of like-minded individuals gathering for numismatic activity is at the very core of both our hobby and business. Void of this, things have just not felt the same. Hopefully, that’s about to change. Tentatively, we have 2 upcoming shows on the horizon, Summer FUN and the ANA World’s Fair of Money. Please note, we are still showing all shows as CANCELLED on our Coin Show Schedule, but intend on updating this information as we get affirmations from the various sponsors. There is quite a bit of pent-up anticipation amongst the coin dealer community, and we have a feeling that the first few major shows to resume will be epic.

Things on the homefront are pretty much unchanged. Every week we thank our lucky stars, that throughout this pandemic, we have been able to come in our office and service our customers. As we alluded to earlier, shops have not had the same luxury. The coin market, even amidst all of the present challenges, seems to be very strong. Coin dealers are a resourceful group and collectors are a  dedicated one, creating the numismatic perfect storm. Many of our peers have turned their attention to bullion. Physical gold and silver still appear to be short in supply relative to demand. Much of the price movement in metals is a byproduct of speculative paper trades. If each investor that owned a position in the metals markets was to cash out simultaneously, there would be a run on physical metals. In anticipation of this scenario, precious metals premiums have become significant, causing some coin dealers to stray from their traditional business models. We have taken the low road and opted to stay the course. The collector demand for quality numismatic material is also still there, but now with fewer dealers to service it.

The sourcing challenges created by the absence of shows and restrictions on travel are still very real. We are maintaining our aggressive in-house buying campaign, starting with our customer base. If you have any quality individual coins or even an entire collection that you are considering selling, please contact The Reeded Edge. Our need to buy is ongoing, and we don’t see that subsiding anytime soon.

Finally, we hope that everybody is safe and healthy. More so than ever, we are looking forward to when we can see you in-person, and extend our gratitude for your patronage throughout this crisis. We are optimistic that day is not too far off!

Another Week But No New Topics….Which is Not Necessarily a “Bad Thing”! Wed, 06 May 2020 17:31:59 +0000 There is not much new to discuss. We have been steadily buying and selling coins, albeit from the inner confines of our office suite, and with little or no human interaction. The fact that parcels keep coming and going daily is encouraging, and in that regard, we are just fine with the status quo. However, like many other folks, we are also impatiently waiting for our economic engine to start up again. Maryland is behind other states, with our reopen date still undetermined. This is primarily due to two factors, lagging behind on the COVID19 curve and an ongoing political chess game. As the bureaucrats play Russian Roulette with our economy, we continue to come in our office and face our daily routine. Barring the televised daily news briefings and masked trips to Walmart, it’s almost as if nothing is different. At least, it feels that way for the eight hours a day that we spend together under this roof. These are very strange times indeed.

Servicing the collector continues to be our priority. Coin sales are as strong as ever, with more expensive material meeting little resistance. This holds especially true for fresh, off-the-market coins.  We have also noticed a preference towards coins housed in older PCGS/NGC holders, as well as those with CAC stickers. Cheaper coins are also finding new homes quickly, indicative of an underlying strength at all levels of the coin market. What has been impacted negatively are coin shows and retail shops across the country, both of which have been forced to close. We are hoping that all of these disruptions become yesterday’s news very soon.

Dealers and Collectors Antsy to get back to Frequenting Shows and Shops-Office Orders Remain Brisk Tue, 28 Apr 2020 15:19:38 +0000 Chances are if you’re reading this, you are equally as sick of staring at the same walls as we are. We realize that we are luckier than most. At least, we get to change AM and PM venues. Nonetheless, for those of us that spend much of our time on the road, this is a very different set of circumstances. With several states now systematically opening businesses again, we remain optimistic that a sense of normalcy is not far off.

The Reeded Edge’s office sales remain active with many parcels shipping daily. This is encouraging, especially when we consider the alternative. But, it would also be remiss not to mention an emerging trend towards cheaper coins. This is not to imply that we aren’t selling better coins, as well; they just represent a comparatively lower percentage of our overall sales. Talking to dealers daily, we hear the same question a lot. So, what is selling? That really is the ten thousand dollar question, and there is no simple answer. From our perspective, 20th century collector coins still seem very strong. Since the run up in bullion, we have also noticed a resurgence in larger U.S. gold coins. Silver dollars, a numismatic stalwart, remain steady. There are numerous other other areas and series that are also selling, albeit a bit more sporadically. We have always professed that adversity creates opportunity, and the present coin market is no exception. Historically important series such as half cents, two cent pieces, three cent pieces (both nickel and silver) and half dimes are presently slow. These are all areas that are ripe for a turnaround, and the savvy numismatist may want to give one or more of these a serious look. There is an old saying, A rising tide floats all boats. Popular coins always garner an audience, but coins a little out of favor are perhaps the real value in the marketplace. It is worth mentioning that we have not shied away from any of these series. In our 31 years of full-time numismatics, we have seen just about every coin cycle in and out of favor. It’s only a matter of time before today’s dark horses become tomorrow’s treasures.

Our need to buy FRESH coins continues daily. If you have valuable singles or even an entire collection that has been off of the market for a considerable time, we have money to spend. Over the last month, we have become largely dependent on customers like you for sourcing material. Perhaps this will become our emerging business model moving forward.

Although none of us know with any certainty what the future holds, we believe it will be different. Just like 9-11 redefined how we functioned in daily life, this chapter in history will also have its impact. Collectors like you have demonstrated that you’re not going anywhere. How we reach you is however, is changing, and will probably continue to evolve. For the time being, we hope that everybody is healthy and staying safe. We believe that better days are ahead for all of us.


Material Pleasure vs Economic Security – They are not the Same, However you can Achieve Both Thu, 23 Apr 2020 14:45:16 +0000 One of our longtime collector friends alluded to buying beautiful coins because they provided him security. At the time he made that point, we didn’t pay much attention. In retrospect however, it seems particularly poignant. Most of us share in an affection for coins. But is security the reason for buying them? Although each of us have unique circumstances that drive our decisions, there are also some similarities. Many of us love history, and view our coins as tangible artifacts. Some of us view them as miniature pieces of art. Then, there are those that desire to complete sets, and filling that last hole becomes the end game. There are a multitude of other reasons why we collect coins, but security is most likely not at the top of the list. We would argue that collecting coins is more a byproduct of economic security than it is a way of achieving it.

On the other end of the spectrum, would be the acquisition of intrinsic coins, bars and rounds struck in precious metals. Often, these are purchased as an insurance policy, providing us with a sense of security, while protecting our beloved coins or other valuable assets. Ask yourself this question. If coins and metals both doubled in value tomorrow, which would you sell? Invariably a few of us might sell our coins, but we believe many more would opt for their metals.

Here is a very simple concept. Most people take decisions in life for one of two reasons: to derive pleasure or to avoid pain. Think about some of your daily decisions. You pay down debt, because the stress of debt is painful. You obtain insurance to protect yourself or others against unforeseen negative events and consequences. You stop at a STOP sign or traffic light to avoid an accident. All of these are everyday examples of how we avoid pain. Conversely, paying somebody a compliment, waxing your automobile and buying a coin for your collection are all different ways we might derive pleasure.

Purchasing that 1932-D Washington Quarter to finish your set is not the same as stashing a Krugerrand in your safety deposit box. The quarter gives you material pleasure, while the K-rand provides economic security. Parting with our coins is painful; It creates a void, and is something most of us would not choose to do. Parting with bullion is likely much less painful. For many of us, our bullion simply represents a rainy day slush fund, providing economic security for uncertain times.

Fast forward to current world circumstances, which are unprecedented. Many of us now find ourselves in a position where we must prioritize life choices. Interestingly, a new numismatic trend seems to be emerging; or maybe it’s not that new at all? Amongst coin collectors, it is very apparent that their hobby still ranks high in the pecking order. While we could have witnessed a decline in both valuations and interest in collectible coins, neither has occurred. On the flipside, gold, silver and other precious metals have predictably rallied. We have even noticed a few collectors selling their precious metals to fund their collections, illustrating an interesting example of the pain-pleasure concept mentioned above.

Whatever your motives, The Reeded Edge is here to help. Some people believe we are not an essential business, although many of our customers would disagree. Our dedicated employees feel we are quite essential, and have been on the frontline, allowing us to remain open from day one. We understand that access to market resources has become limited, which is why we are here to both answer questions and fill your orders. Whether your need is rare coins or bullion, we can help you out with either. Please reach out to Rob or Robbie to discuss your needs or concerns at any time. Material pleasure and economic security, although not the same, really can walk hand in hand. The guys probably understand that notion as well as anyone.

COIN MARKET STABILE AS SIGNS POINT TO ECONOMIC RECOVERY Wed, 22 Apr 2020 14:35:04 +0000 One thing is for sure and that is this pandemic has created a lot of uncertainty. Fortunately, new models seem to indicate that although COVID19 is an extremely serious disease, the mortality rate is not nearly as high as originally thought. Although there will always be second guessing, it appears that measures taken out of the gate (such as the China travel ban) saved numerous lives and limited the spread. Combine this with a rigorous and widespread acceptance of self-isolation and social distancing, and we further limited the collateral damage while flattening the curve. The net result is that we will finally be able to re-open the country and put people back to work. This certainly is great news, something we all could use a little of lately.

The coin market seems to have weathered the storm well. Perhaps this is a result of collectors staying at home and working on their collections. In addition, metals markets have remained strong with the demand for physical gold and silver as high as any in recent memory. We have also noticed a consorted effort on the part of the dealer community to support one and other through these uncertain times. Admittedly, we are are a resilient bunch, but none of us have ever been tested like this before. Hopefully, at the end of the day, the numismatic hobby will emerge, bigger, stronger and on more solid footing than ever before. As we have said often during this crisis, we remain cautiously optimistic for all of the above!

The Coin Business Marches On….One Day at a Time Thu, 16 Apr 2020 13:49:50 +0000 Last night, I started typing this post, trying to figure out what I was supposed to say. This morning, I am revising it, with I want to say. There are so many different things happening everyday that evoke different moods and feelings, sometimes writer’s block is the end-game. Hence was the case yesterday. With both a clear mind and a new day working in my favor, hopefully my coffee and inspiration have kicked in. Any way, here goes:

Most people believe that better times are ahead. A good many also believe those times are not far off. Coin collectors seem a bit more optimistic, as we have seen little drop-off in their purchasing patterns. This is an encouraging sign, especially for those of us who make our living as professional numismatists. The Reeded Edge has been lucky enough to remain open throughout this pandemic. Thankfully, our employees have all retained their jobs. Orders continue to get processed, and business is getting done. The feeling is admittedly different, but then these are unprecedented times. The status quo is a HUGE victory, and we never lose sight of that.

Yes, there are many associated inconveniences which make day to day business more challenging. Banking, shipping and receiving have all have been affected to some degree. Coin shows have been cancelled well into the summer months, and retail coin shops around the country remain closed. Our traditional supply chains have all but dried up. Human ingenuity is a wonderful thing, especially when duress requires it’s immediate deployment; Adversity really does spawn creativity. With the help of all of our staff, we have begun to implement our Pandemic Plan B. This is dictated more by circumstance then design. The first element of this plan involves actively soliciting our customers for coins that we have sold them over the last 3 decades, many of which have gone up significantly in value.  This accomplishes two things: Most obviously, we are buying new coins from new sources and keeping the shelves stocked. Equally as important, this gives us an opportunity to reach out to old friends and catch up, while in many cases, providing needed funds at a vital time. Another aspect we are really emphasizing is increasing our email and snail-mail presence. This especially applies to clients that we previously interacted with in-person. Finally, we are spending many more hours on the phone. For the same reasons stated, the phone has taken the place of face to face meetings.

Some people are wondering if this business climate is the new norm. We really don’t believe that to be the case. Adversity always passes, and prosperity usually returns. We don’t believe the current situation will be any different. The wild card is always when?  We don’t know the precise answer, but really believe it will be soon.

There are positive aspects to what we are going through, but sometimes one has to look through the clouds to see them. The landscape of how we do business has changed quickly and dramatically, but fortunately the business itself has not. Again, there should come a day soon when we will see the traditional numismatic marketplace return. Like everyone else, we continue to monitor this fluid situation one day at a time. Stick with us as we navigate these uncertain waters together. The Reeded Edge is here to address all of your numismatic needs, and you have our unconditional promise, we will continue to do so. Feel free to communicate with us about anything on your mind, and most importantly, please stay safe!

Stay-at-Home Collectors Focus on Their Collections – Coin Sales Up! Wed, 08 Apr 2020 13:39:16 +0000 Of all things, who would have guessed that numismatics would be seeing a spike in activity during a global health crisis? While hand sanitizer and isopropyl alcohol are still unavailable, coins thankfully are not. The last that we checked, they were not exactly an essential item either. We are blessed by this developing trend, but admittedly, are a little taken back. When everything turned south, we were really expecting the worst. Thankfully, that wasn’t the case.  We have been able to retain all of our employees and continue to operate on a somewhat normal level. So, what do we attribute this numismatic resilience to? The most obvious answer lies in the stay at home orders instituted throughout the country. Observations made through various social networking channels all lead to one answer: boredom. Collectors have the precious commodity of time on their hands, with minimal outside distractions. What better in-door activity is at their disposal then to focus on their collections? This theory mirrors their new purchasing patterns. We have noted a strong boost in sales for the under-$500 numismatic material. A high percentage of these transactions are taking place online. Venues like eBay and Amazon are seeing increased activity also, a trend consistent with our observations. We should add, that this whole situation still remains very fluid. News today could be history tomorrow. We will continue to keep you updated with emerging trends, and how they are impacting the numismatic sector. For the time being, we implore everybody to continue to practice social distancing, and most importantly, stay safe.

New Circumstances Call for New Approaches Fri, 03 Apr 2020 13:16:47 +0000 The famous 19th century showman, P.T. Barnum is often credited with coining the phrase, “The show must go on”. Whether he actually did or not, is less important than the meaning. Current circumstances have taught us to become chameleons. It’s either that, or starve. For us at The Reeded Edge that has meant quickly instituting Plan B. Last year at this time, we would have been preparing for The Central States Numismatic Convention having recently returned from the Baltimore Whitman Coin Expo. Each of these shows presented enormous buying opportunities for our firm. In addition, we would also attend local shows, canvas coin shops and meet with a multitude of customers in our home office. With these avenues off of the table, the challenge of sourcing fresh material quickly became apparent. For those of you that read our weekly newsletters, you may have noticed our new push to buy coins from our customers. The success of this campaign has been overwhelming, so expect to see more of this approach. We have also tapped into some of our wholesale trading partners, encouraging two way business in a virtual format. Dealers from both electronic trading networks, Certified Coin Exchange and Coin Dealers Helping Coin Dealers have proved to be a valuable resource, as well. In a nutshell, we have moved our person-to-person business to a platform relying on e-communications and shipping lanes. Collectors remain active, keeping the demand for quality coins as high as ever. We want to stress that there are still opportunities in the marketplace, for both dealers and collectors alike. We also have faith that the coin market will persevere through these challenging times. These days call for a different approach, a fact we continue to address daily. We understand that you have expectations of seeing fresh coins on The Reeded Edge’s various selling platforms, and you have our personal assurance, we will not let you down!
