Entries by ReededEdge

Coin Shops and Shows Look Towards Reopening

What started as a health crisis has evolved into something far greater. At risk, is our country’s economy. Fortunately the states (especially those less affected by the pandemic) seem to realize the true impending disaster, as they have begun reopening for business. This is an encouraging sign for the coin business. We now can envision […]


One thing is for sure and that is this pandemic has created a lot of uncertainty. Fortunately, new models seem to indicate that although COVID19 is an extremely serious disease, the mortality rate is not nearly as high as originally thought. Although there will always be second guessing, it appears that measures taken out of […]

The Coin Business Marches On….One Day at a Time

Last night, I started typing this post, trying to figure out what I was supposed to say. This morning, I am revising it, with I want to say. There are so many different things happening everyday that evoke different moods and feelings, sometimes writer’s block is the end-game. Hence was the case yesterday. With both […]

New Circumstances Call for New Approaches

The famous 19th century showman, P.T. Barnum is often credited with coining the phrase, “The show must go on”. Whether he actually did or not, is less important than the meaning. Current circumstances have taught us to become chameleons. It’s either that, or starve. For us at The Reeded Edge that has meant quickly instituting […]